Literary Fiction that confronts the complexities of being alive.
By Accident, in-progress
My current project, By Accident, is a character-driven novel of Literary Fiction about motherhood, friendship, art, and surrender. It has been a deep and disciplined journey of writing, researching, and reimagining.
Short stories and flash fiction
From pregnant teens to concert violinists to neurotic artists and obsessive janitors, my characters attempt to understand themselves and the world around them.
Trouble Brewing
Literal Latte | Spring 2015
"Mom said, it's important for me to serve, and that’s all she said about it, nothing about my dead little brother or Dad’s grief poured into the hood of broken-down cars in our front yard, or about the trouble I was in with the county and school and that other thing. …"
StoryGlossia | March 2003
"'Bingo,' Fran answered, and it was settled. …"
The Masters Review Volume V Shortlist | Spring 2016
Deja Vu
Fish Publishing Flash Fiction Prize Shortlist | 2016